來源:http://www.lbfp.com.cn 作者:億金電子 2019年03月01
美國Abracon LLC是主要生產石英晶體,SMD晶振,有源晶振等頻率元件的知名制造商.產品均選用優異材料符合歐盟ROHS要求.Abracon晶振根據多德-弗蘭克華爾街改革和消費者的沖突礦產條款的要求2010年保護法案,繼續與我們所有合格供應商積極合作確保我們的產品不含任何不符合環保要求的材料.
基于不使用沖突礦物的保證和EICC沖突礦物報告模板可聯系億金電子Abracon晶振代理商獲得.特此聲明,據我們所知,我們所生產的石英貼片晶振均不含下列任何沖突礦物或其衍生物:金(Au),鉭(Ta),鎢(W)和錫(Sn). 所有提供的晶振產品均按照設計和制造與電子行業行為準則和Abracon LLC. 致力于從中獲取材料對環境和社會負責的供應商.
Based on a Guarantee of Non-use of Conflict Minerals, and EICC Conflict Minerals Report Templates obtained from our material suppliers, Abracon Crystal. hereby declares that, to the best of our knowledge, our products do not contain any of the following Conflict Minerals or their derivatives: Gold(Au), Tantalum (Ta), Tungsten (W) and Tin (Sn). All products supplied have been designed and manufactured in compliance with the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct and Abracon LLC. is committed to only source material from environmentally and socially responsible suppliers.
Certificate of Non-use of Conflict Minerals
As required by the Conflict Minerals provisions under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, Abracon Crystal. continues to work proactively with all of our qualified suppliers to ensure that our products do not contain any Conflict Minerals that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or an adjoining country.Based on a Guarantee of Non-use of Conflict Minerals, and EICC Conflict Minerals Report Templates obtained from our material suppliers, Abracon Crystal. hereby declares that, to the best of our knowledge, our products do not contain any of the following Conflict Minerals or their derivatives: Gold(Au), Tantalum (Ta), Tungsten (W) and Tin (Sn). All products supplied have been designed and manufactured in compliance with the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct and Abracon LLC. is committed to only source material from environmentally and socially responsible suppliers.
1.Guarantee of Non-Use of Conflict Minerals.
2.Requesting that our Suppliers report immediately if there are any Conflict Minerals or derivatives thereof used in supplied material.
3.Requesting that our Suppliers undertake commercially reasonable due diligence with their supply
Furthermore, we expect our Suppliers to conduct their worldwide operations in a manner that does not result in labor or human rights violations such as the direct financing of armed conflict in their roles as responsible corporate citizens.
此文關鍵字: Abracon Crystal晶振環保認證
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